You "get dressed" to go out and, halfway to the car, you notice you forgot half you clothes in your room… (Well, I DID DRESS MY PANTS, just forgot my shirt… and I noticed it when I was about to open the door to leave).
(The next four items are symptoms of H)
You start walking up & downstairs after getting tired of walking in circles or figures of 8 in the kitchen.
You go back to walking in circles and figures of 8 in the kitchen after getting tired of walking up & down stairs.
You crack you fingers all the time when you have to seat still for a long time in the classroom or at church
while talking to people, you can't stop kicking the tires of a truck that is near (a truck that you do not intend to buy).
Read 3 times the same page of the book you are trying to finish and don’t know what you just read.
Talk to a girl and change subject 3 times in five minutes of conversation, not trying to be rude, just not being able to keep in the subject (my mind wanders too much), or frequently stopping an unfinished sentence to ask her what you were talking about (this one is embarrassing).
Your friends don't understand what you are talking about, when you are talking in your native language (to people who speak your native language fluently!) - it probably means you are continuing a subject you have not even started.
Knowing the city very well and yet go past the place you were supposed to stop quite often.
Don’t remember what you are writing about, and having to read the title of your post again to finish the subject...
Quite often you are not able to find something you are still holding, and you were holding it to assure you wouldn’t loose it.
When you are driving, your passengers tell you all the time: "the lights are red"; "the lights are green".
You pay attention to the radio for the weather and traffic bulletin, and your mind wanders away exactly the moment they are giving the information you needed.
Your mind wanders away all the time.
You confuse the bottles and add power steering fluid in the brake fluid reservoir... Yes! It does ruin your brakes (it does not release completely, overheating and wearing out quickly).
You talk to yourself all the time.
Don’t remember what you are writing about and have to read the title of your post again to finish the subject.
Hey! I already wrote this one! See what I mean???
Don’t notice when you are driving like a calgarian, taking two lanes of the road.
Tell the same people the same story 10 times in a week (because you don’t remember you already told the story)…
Your brother is diagnosed with severe case of ADHD, yet he beats you (by far) in the attention test (done by psichologists) for aviation lessons...
Captain Forr
Não seja educada com homens que te assustam.
2 minutes ago
*Read 3 times the same page of the book you are trying to finish and don’t know what you just read.
*Knowing the city very well and yet go past the place you were supposed to stop quite often.
*You pay attention to the radio for the weather and traffic bulletin, and your mind wanders away exactly the moment they are giving the information you needed.
These 3 things happen with me!
Can you translate ADHD?
Atention Deficit And Hyperactivity Disorder...
Disfunção de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade...
Captain Forr
rsrsrs... gostei do sonho da garota perfeita que entende de helicoptero!! aiaiai. :P e ja vi algumas destas caracteristicas de ADHD em voce... :)
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